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Saturday, May 04

NorthCard Consulting

Consumer demand, the evolution of technology and the need for greater security are the key factors driving current changes to payments products. Technologies such as the Internet, transponders and smart cards offer great opportunities for financial institutions and retailers that are able to successfully cater to the needs of customers.

NorthCard's principals, Mike Bradley and Pete Kaulbach, have nearly 30 years combined experience supporting the financial industry in the development of payments products. Our expertise includes:

  • Supporting business analysis and strategy for a bank-issued transponder payments product.
  • Assessing Internet payments products on behalf of major banks and venture capital funds.
  • Developing and implementing extensive recommendations to enhance the security of major payments products, including the development of an automated incident management system.
  • Successfully project managing new multi-bank e-cash payment pilot project, including budget, project plan, vendor selection and client relationships.
  • Successfully implementing secure Internet infrastructure pilot project to support on-line financial services/payments.

functional expertise
business planning
Strategic Planning, Competitive Analysis, Financial Projections, Business Casing
product development
Market Analysis, Positioning, Market Research, Program Design
Project Management, Client Relationship Management, Vendor Management
technology planning
Requirements Definition, Technology Sourcing, Vendor Analysis & Selection
  Database and Web Design and Development; HTML, Flash, ASP, PHP, Javascript and VBScript development